Class Description

Dharma Yoga – Open Level

Dharma Yoga is a modern interpretation of classical Eight-limbed or Hatha-Raja Yoga.

This class includes Asana, Pranayama, healing relaxation and meditation. For the purpose of supporting and inspiring each other across the levels, variations will be presented, so you can adjust the class to your conditions and also see where the practice will lead with continuation.

Dharma Yoga emphasizes developing compassion in your practicing and in your life. Through this class you will discover concentration, evolve sense of contentment, gain strength and flexibility in body and mind through this complete practice.

Dharma Yoga was created by Sri Dharma Mittra in 1975 and taught by Dharma Yoga Registered Teachers who graduated from the world-renowned Life of a Yogi teacher training programs at the New York Center and have been trained by and remain students of Sri Dharma Mittra.

Pranayama & Meditation – Open Level

This restorative class includes recharging and deep healing practices.

Pranayama improves and increases your awareness of breath and presence in the current. Your respiratory system, bloodcirculation, heart, lungs, inner organs and gland function all benefit and get help to remove impurities from the body through practice of pranayama and bandhas.

The class will include meditation practices, occasionally seated and occasionally laying in corpse pose for Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra rejuvinates and recharges your body and mind like a long undisturbed sleep and can have incredible healing abilities.

Meditation practice overall help centering of the mind. Concentration and focus may improve and the pracrice can raise a sense of calmness and contentment.

Backbend – Open Level

In this class we will focus on backbending exercises and postures. Building flexibility with strength and steadiness.
Backbending increases mobility in your spine and has balancing effects for the nervesystem and your entire wellbeing.
Backbending is known to reverse aging signs of the body by strengthening the backside body which can weaken with age and/or forwardbending lifestyle.

On an energetic level the heart is the centre of love and compassion and the throat is the centre of expression and speaking truth. Opening these areas requires courage and vulnerability. Not only is it important to practice with compassion, but you will also develope this quality through the practice. Gradually as the heart and throat centres opens it can be extremely freeing/liberating.

Rocket Vinyasa Yoga – Open Level

A strong asana focused class inviting you to challenge yourself and play.
Larry Schultz created the Rocket, a series of postures based on a modifications of the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Primary and Intermediate series. The Rocket series are designed to wake up the nervous system and feed it the precious prana it craves while promoting a spirit of change and freedom in the practice.
“It gets you there faster!” is a famous Rocket quote by Bob Weir of the Greatful Dead.
The asana sequences are designed to invigorate and strengthen students with advanced postures while still staying accessible to all through modifications and practicing acceptance of the bodies’ present abilities.